% "Filter design" lecture notes (EE364) by S. Boyd
% (figures are generated)
% Designs a linear phase FIR lowpass filter such that it:
% - minimizes the transition band width (i.e. minimize w_stop)
% - has a constraint on the maximum passband ripple
% - has a constraint on the maximum stopband attenuation
% This is a quasiconvex problem and is solved using a bisection.
%   minimize   w_stop
%       s.t.   1/delta <= H(w) <= delta     for w in the passband
%              |H(w)| <= atten_level        for w in the stopband
% where H is the frequency response function and variable is
% the filter impulse response h (and its order/length).
% Data is delta (max passband ripple) and atten_level (max stopband
% attenuation level).
% Written for CVX by Almir Mutapcic 02/02/06

% user's filter specifications
% starting point for the stopband (needs to be feasible)
wstop = 0.24*pi;        % stopband start freq (in radians)
TOL = 1e-3;             % precision to which we should run bisection

n = 10;                 % filter order (2n+1 is the full order)
wpass = 0.12*pi;        % passband cutoff freq (in radians)
delta = 1;              % max (+/-) passband ripple in dB
atten_level = -30;      % stopband attenuation level in dB

% create optimization parameters
m = 30*n; % freq samples (rule-of-thumb)
w = linspace(0,pi,m);

% use bisection algorithm to solve the problem

wstop_bot = wpass;
wstop_top  = wstop;

while( wstop_top - wstop_bot > TOL)
  % try to find a feasible design for given specs
  wstop_cur = (wstop_top + wstop_bot)/2;

  % create optimization matrices (matrix of cosines)
  A = [ones(m,1) 2*cos(kron(w',[1:n]))];

  % passband 0 <= w <= w_pass
  ind = find((0 <= w) & (w <= wpass));    % passband
  Ap  = A(ind,:);

  % transition band is not constrained (w_pass <= w <= w_stop)

  % stopband (w_stop <= w) (this is the changing constraint)
  ind = find((wstop_cur <= w) & (w <= pi));   % stopband
  As  = A(ind,:);

  % formulate and solve the feasibility linear-phase lp filter design
  cvx_begin quiet
    variable h_cur(n+1,1);
    % feasibility problem
    % passband bounds
    Ap*h_cur <= 10^(delta/20);
    Ap*h_cur >= 10^(-delta/20);
    % stopband bounds
    abs( As*h_cur ) <= 10^(atten_level/20);

  % bisection
  if strfind(cvx_status,'Solved') % feasible
    fprintf(1,'Problem is feasible for stopband freq = %3.4f rads\n',wstop_cur);
    wstop_top = wstop_cur;
    % construct the full impulse response
    h = [flipud(h_cur(2:end)); h_cur];
  else % not feasible
    fprintf(1,'Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = %3.4f rads\n',wstop_cur);
    wstop_bot = wstop_cur;

wstop = wstop_top;
fprintf(1,['\nOptimum stopband frequency for given specs is %3.4f*pi rads\n' ...
           'and the minimum transition width is %3.4f*pi radians.\n'],...
            wstop/pi, (wstop-wpass)/pi);

% plots
% FIR impulse response
xlabel('t'), ylabel('h(t)')

% frequency response
H = exp(-j*kron(w',[0:2*n]))*h;
% magnitude
     [wstop pi],[atten_level atten_level],'r--',...
     [0 wpass],[delta delta],'r--',...
     [0 wpass],[-delta -delta],'r--');
xlabel('w'), ylabel('mag H(w) in dB')
% phase
xlabel('w'), ylabel('phase H(w)')
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.5655 rads
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.6597 rads
Problem is feasible for stopband freq = 0.7069 rads
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.6833 rads
Problem is feasible for stopband freq = 0.6951 rads
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.6892 rads
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.6921 rads
Problem is feasible for stopband freq = 0.6936 rads
Problem is not feasible for stopband freq = 0.6929 rads

Optimum stopband frequency for given specs is 0.2208*pi rads
and the minimum transition width is 0.1008*pi radians.